Thursday 5 January 2012

Food Review: Burger King NEW Fries

(Burger King NEW Fries)

You may have seen the ads, posters, or the latest coupons, but in case you've missed it, Burger King has NEW FRIES. The claim is simple, "Thicker cut, more flavour".

I'll start by saying that I've never been a fan of BK fries. Around here we have three burger & fry joints, McDonald's, Wendy's, and Burger King. In my humble opinion, McDonald's has always had the best fries of the three. And this is coming from someone who NEVER buys shoestring or thin cut fries from the grocery store, always opting for the thicker cut versions. But there's just something about McDonald's fries that make them a hit with nearly everyone, even people like me, who aren't "Fry Lovers". They're delicious.

At a distant 2nd, we have Wendy's fries, with their newer sea salt version. They're fine, and definitely an improvement over their older fries, but what I like most about Wendy's, is the number of options they have for sides. So when I do visit, I'll more often than not, opt for a baked potato, or a small chili. Sometimes I'll go with nachos or a side salad, but it's very rare for me to actually choose to have their fries.

So where did that leave the old Burger King fries? In the dust. You could tell they were trying to go for a crispy fry, but the texture was just odd and not favorable, it seemed overly processed somehow. When I did go to Burger King, it wasn't for the fries (it was for the Angry Whopper, which I love), and even though I'm not a fan of onion rings, I'd sometimes order them instead, just because I had no interest in the french fries.

(Large Size Burger King New Fries)

Today we picked up a take out order of the thicker cut new fries, and upon first glance, you could definitely tell at least one part of their claim was true. They ARE most definitely thicker cut. And quite frankly, they looked pretty darn good. My boyfriend had a large fry and I had a medium with my meal. His amount looked ample, but because each fry is larger, I definitely noticed when looking at my medium stash of fries, you aren't getting as many fries in your "Frypod" as before, because each fry is larger, it simply isn't going to hold as many,. But this isn't a deal breaker by any means, it's about the taste...

So how did they taste? They were surprisingly good. I didn't have high hopes for these, but they are a vast improvement over their old fries. They were hot and fresh (despite the short drive home). They had a nice crispness on on the outside (without being at all overcooked or burnt) and were fluffy on the inside. They were flavourful without being over seasoned/salted. They had a better taste and texture and in my opinion just an all around better fry than what they previously had to offer. They get a big thumbs up for that. Another thing I liked about the thicker cut, was that the larger fry enabled you to easily pick up copious amount of ketchup, and I'm big on dipping and dunking my fries into various sauces. By the end of the meal my tummy was full and happy.

Does this BK New French Fry change it's previous rank of dead last in the fry race? I think so. Even though McDonald's still holds the title of Fry Champion, I think BK edges it's way into 2nd, beating out Wendy's as the runner up. Check out more photos below of Burger King's New Fries, and be sure to tell me what you think of them. Have you tried them yet? What's your favorite fast food french fry? Leave a comment below, and thanks for reading!

(Medium Burger King New Fries)
(Closeup New BK Fries)

(Closeup New BK Fries)

(Plated Medium BK New Fries and Angry Double Whopper)